Who And Why is Tiny Anthems?

Tiny Anthems is the seemingly interminable work and joy of Mike Long. It began rather by accident. Having just relocated back to the Pacific Northwest (home) Long pinned a notecard to a bulletin board in his neighborhood offering to write a song about anyone.
And it's been all downhill from there. Armed with a few dozen instruments and a nearly unflappable zeal to uplift his community and share stories, Mike started Tiny Anthems in earnest in 2017.
Tiny Anthems aims to tell stories, celebrate people and a have a good chuckle.
Is There some kinda Social justice thing happening here or what?
You know it.
Since the very inception of Tiny Anthems, we have been donating 10% of all proceeds to a local non-profit in Portland, OR, that creates safe, inclusive environments for youth musicians. Basically, we believe in a life of service. Giving back is a priority.
Contact Us!
If we somehow DIDN'T answer all of your questions amidst our ambling prose, feel free to reach out! Further inquiries regarding songs, live performances, or film scoring can be sent to: